
Flatpak repositories are the primary mechanism for publishing applications, so that they can be installed by users.

Some aspects of repositories are addressed by other sections of the documentation. Basic commands for adding, removing and inspecting repositories can be found in the Verwenden von Flatpak section. Additionally, the section on Flatpak Builder covers the most common method for adding applications to repositories.

To use a repository to publish an application, it is possible to either host your own (covered in the next section, Hosting a repository) or use Flathub, the primary publishing and hosting service for Flatpak applications.

Software center applications like GNOME Software or KDE Discover allow browsing repositories, and can also dynamically promote new or popular applications. If you use Flathub, the repository will typically have already been added by users, so adding an application to the repository is sufficient to make it available to them.

.flatpakref files

.flatpakref files can be used in combination with repositories to provide an additional, easy way for users to install an application, often by clicking on the file or a download link.

Internally, .flatpakref files are simple description files that include information about a Flatpak application. An example:

[Flatpak Ref]
Branch=stable from flathub

As can be seen, the file includes the ID of the application and the location of the repository that contains it, as well a link to information about the repository that provides the application’s runtime. .flatpakref files therefore contain all the information needed to install an application.


.flatpakref files should include the base64-encoded version of the GPG key that was used to sign the repository. This can be obtained with the following command:

$ base64 --wrap=0 < key.gpg

One advantage of .flatpakref files is that they can be used to install applications even if their repository hasn’t been added by the user. In this case the repository that contains the application will either be automatically installed, or the user will be prompted to install it. This will also happen if the necessary runtime isn’t present.

.flatpakref can be used to install applications from the command line as well as with graphical software installers. This is done with the standard flatpak install command, which accepts both local and remote .flatpakref files. For example:

$ flatpak install

Or, if the same file has been downloaded:

$ flatpak install

Publishing updates

Flatpak repositories are similar to Git repositories, in that they store every version of an application by keeping a record of the difference between each version. This makes updating efficient, since only the difference (or „delta“) between two versions needs to be downloaded when an update is performed.

When a new version of an application is added to a repository, it immediately becomes available to users. Software centers are able to automatically check for and install new versions. Those who are using the command line have to manually run flatpak update to check for and install new versions of any applications they have installed.