플랫팩 문서에 오신 것을 환경합니다!#

These docs cover everything you need to know to build and distribute applications using Flatpak. They begin with a basic introduction to Flatpak, background information on basic concepts, and a guide to the Flatpak command line interface. Later sections provide detailed information on building and distributing applications.

문서들은 일차적으로 응용프로그램 개발하거나 배포하려는 이들을 위해 작성하였지만, 플랫팩에 관하여 흥미를 가진 일반 독자들도 대상으로 포함한다.

If you are looking for information about how to use Flatpak to install and run applications, please refer to the Flatpak website.
