



基本概念 中描述的,运行时提供了应用可以使用的基本依赖。他们提供了应用的运行环境。Flatpack要求每个应用需要指明一个运行时。因此,用Flatpack构建一个应用最先要确定的就是,应用要使用什么运行时。

我们可以在 可用的运行时 页面找到可用运行时的概览。有意地,只有少量运行时可供选择。通常,运行时是根据应用程序所需的依赖项来选择的。如果存在一个提供您计划使用的库的运行时,这通常是正确的运行时!



Runtimes are automatically installed for users when they install an application, and build tools can also automatically install them for you (flatpak-builder’s --install-deps-from option is useful for this). However, if you do need to manually install your chosen runtime, this can be done in the same way as installing an application, with the flatpak install command. For example, the command to install the GNOME 43 runtime is:

$ flatpak install flathub org.gnome.Platform//43




  • 所选运行时不包含的库

  • 所选运行时库的另一版本

  • 打了补丁的库

  • 作为应用一部分的数据或者资源



如何捆绑库的细节在 mainifests 可以找到。


Runtimes and bundling are the two main ways in which dependencies are handled with Flatpak. They allow applications to rely on stable collections of dependencies on the one hand, and to have flexibility and control on the other.

可是,在某些情况下,依赖是一个更大的框架或者工具集,它不适合放进运行时,但手工捆绑成一系列单独的模块也很麻烦。所以有了 base apps

Base apps contain collections of bundled dependencies which can then be bundled as part of an application. They don’t get rebuilt as part of the build process, which makes building faster (particularly when bundling large dependencies). And because each base app is only built once, it is guaranteed to be identical wherever it is used, so it will only be saved once on disk.

base apps是一个相对专业的概念,只有一些应用需要使用他们(最常用的base app是用于 Electron applications )。但是,如果你的应用使用一个巨大的,复杂的或者专用的框架,在开始构建的时候检查是否有可用的base apps是一个好主意。


Runtimes and applications can define extension points which allow optional additional runtimes to be mounted at a specified location inside the sandbox when they are present on the system. Typical uses for extensions include translations for applications, debuginfo for sdks, or adding more functionality to the application. Some software refers to these extensions as “Add-ons”.

For an extension to be loaded in the application or runtime, an extension point first needs to be defined in the application or runtime in question.

By convention, extension points follow the ID of the application or runtime in question, followed by a generic term for the extension. For example, the OBS Studio flatpak may define an extension point com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin, where “Plugin” is the generic term prefixed by the application ID.

To see available extension points, it’s best to look at the application or runtime manifest.

Any extension now choosing to be loaded inside the OBS Studio flatpak must prefix their ID by com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin for example com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.Gstreamer.

Some extension names having special significance are discussed below.

  • .Debug is used for Debug extensions by applications, runtimes and SDKs. They are used for debugging purposes. Every application or runtime built with flatpak-builder produces a .Debug extension unless specifically disabled in the manifest.

    A .Debug extension will be needed when generating useful backtraces. This is explained more in 调试.

  • .Locale is used for Locale extensions by applications or runtimes. They add support for more languages to the parent application or runtime. These are usually partially downloaded by flatpak based on the configured system locale. Every application or runtime built with flatpak-builder produces a .Locale extension unless specifically disabled in the manifest.

  • .Sources is used for Sources extension by application or runtime. They are used to bundle sources of the modules used in the application or runtime in question. flatpak-builder will produce a .Sources extension prefixed by ID when --bundle-sources is used.

Please visit Extensions for a guide on how to create extension points and extensions.