Sandbox Permissions

One of Flatpak’s main goals is to increase the security of desktop systems by isolating applications from one another. This is achieved using sandboxing and means that, by default, applications that are run with Flatpak have extremely limited access to the host environment. This includes:

  • No access to any host files except the runtime, the app, ~/.var/app/$FLATPAK_ID, and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/app/$FLATPAK_ID. Only the latter two being writable.

  • No access to the network.

  • No access to any device nodes (apart from /dev/null, etc).

  • No access to processes outside the sandbox.

  • Limited syscalls. For instance, apps can’t use nonstandard network socket types or ptrace other processes.

  • Limited access to the session D-Bus instance - an app can only own its own name on the bus.

  • No access to host services like X11, system D-Bus, or PulseAudio.

Most applications will need access to some of these resources in order to be useful. This is primarily done during the finishing build stage, which can be configured through the finish-args section of the manifest file (see Manifests).


Portals have already been mentioned in Grundlegende Konzepte. They are a framework for providing access to resources outside of the sandbox, including:

  • Opening files with a native file chooser dialog

  • Opening URIs

  • Printing

  • Showing notifications

  • Taking screenshots

  • Inhibiting the user session from ending, suspending, idling or getting switched away

  • Getting network status information

In many cases, portals use a system component to implicitly ask the user for permission before granting access to a particular resource. For example, in the case of opening a file, the user’s selection of a file using the file chooser dialog is interpreted as implicitly granting the application access to whatever file is chosen.

This approach enables applications to avoid having to configure blanket access to large amounts of data or services and gives users control over what their applications have access to.

Interface toolkits like GTK3 and Qt5 implement transparent support for portals, meaning that applications don’t need to do any additional work to use them (it is worth checking which portals each toolkit supports). Applications that aren’t using a toolkit with support for portals can refer to the xdg-desktop-portal API documentation for information on how to use them.

Permissions guidelines

While application developers have control over the sandbox permissions they wish to configure, good practice is encouraged and can be enforced. For example, the Flathub hosting service places requirements on which permissions can be used, and software on the host may warn users if certain permissions are used.

The following guidelines describe which permissions can be freely used, which can be used on an as-needed basis, and which should be avoided.

Standard permissions

The following permissions provide access to basic resources that applications commonly require, and can therefore be freely used.

  • --allow=bluetooth - Allow access to Bluetooth (AF_BLUETOOTH) sockets

  • --device=dri - OpenGL rendering

  • --share=ipc - Share IPC namespace with the host [1]

  • --share=network - Access the network [2]

  • --socket=cups - Talk to the CUPS printing system ($CUPS_SERVER or server defined in CUPS’s client.conf. Falls back to /var/run/cups/cups.sock)

  • --socket=gpg-agent - Talk to the GPG agent (The socket in gpgconf --list-dir agent-socket)

  • --socket=pcsc - Smart card access $PCSCLITE_CSOCK_NAME

  • --socket=pulseaudio - Access to PulseAudio, includes sound input (mic), sound output/playback, MIDI and ALSA sound devices in /dev/snd

  • --socket=ssh-auth- Allow access to $SSH_AUTH_SOCK


Applications that do not support native Wayland should use only --socket=x11 and applications that do, should use --socket=fallback-x11 and --socket=wayland. The two configurations here will make the application work on both X11 and Wayland sessions of the desktop environment.

  • --socket=wayland - Show windows with Wayland

  • --socket=x11 - Show windows using X11

  • --socket=fallback-x11 - Show windows using X11, if Wayland is not available, overrides x11 socket permission. Note that you must still use --socket=wayland for wayland permission

D-Bus access

DBus access is filtered by default. The default policy for the session bus only allows the application to own its own namespace named by $FLATPAK_ID, subnames of it and org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.$FLATPAK_ID for MPRIS. Furthermore, it is only allowed to talk to names matching those patterns, the bus itself org.freedesktop.DBus and portal APIs of the form org.freedesktop.portal.*.

Access to the entire bus with --socket=system-bus or --socket=session-bus stops the filtering and using them is a security risk. So they must be avoided, unless the application is a development tool.

flatpak run --log-session-bus $FLATPAK_ID can be used to find the specific D-Bus permissions needed.


Any ownership beyond what is granted by default ie. own namespace and org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.$FLAPTAK_ID is typically unnecessary although there can be exceptions.


Talk permissions can be freely used, although it is recommended to use the minimum required.

Filesystem access

As a general rule, static and permanent filesystem access should be limited as much as possible. This includes:

  • Using portals as an alternative to blanket filesystem access, wherever possible.

  • Using read-only access wherever possible, using the :ro option.

  • Using XDG base directories to store application’s cache, config and state. Then no additional filesystem access would be required.

  • Avoiding full home access and instead using XDG directories such as xdg-music or xdg-download etc.

The following permission options are available:

  • :ro - read-only access

  • :create - read/write access, and create the directory if it doesn’t exist

Additionally the following permissions are available:


Access to /home, /media, /opt, /run/media, /srv and everything provided by host-os, host-etc mounted in /run/host

Includes any subpaths


Host’s /etc

Host’s /etc is mounted at /run/host/etc


Host’s /usr, /bin, /sbin, /lib{32, 64}, /etc/, /etc/alternatives

Mounted at /run/host


Access the home directory

Except ~/.var/app


Access an arbitrary path except any reserved path

Includes any subpaths


Arbitrary path relative to the home directory

Includes any subpaths


Access the XDG desktop directory



Access the XDG documents directory



Access the XDG download directory



Access the XDG music directory



Access the XDG pictures directory



Access the XDG public directory



Access the XDG videos directory



Access the XDG templates directory



Access the XDG config directory [3]



Access the XDG cache directory [3]



Access the XDG data directory [3]

$XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share


Access subdirectories of the XDG runtime directory

$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/path (/run/user/$UID/path)

Except host, host-etc, host-os paths can be added to all the above filesystem options. For example, --filesystem=xdg-documents/path.

Other filesystem access guidelines include:

  • The --persist=DIR option can be used to map directories from the user’s home directory into the sandbox filesystem. This only works if the application has no home or a broader permission like host that includes home.

    For example, if an application hardcodes the directory ~/.foo, without any home access and no --persist the directory will be lost from the sandbox once exited due to the filesystem being set up as tmpfs by flatpak unless overriden. A bind mounts ~/.foo inside the sandbox to ~/.var/app/$FLATPAK_ID/.foo on host thus allowing an app to persistently store data in ~/.var/app/$FLATPAK_ID/.foo which would otherwise be lost.

    A --persist=. will persist all directories.

    This does not support :create, :ro, :rw suffixes or special values like xdg-documents. However, the directory will be created by flatpak if it doesn’t already exist.

    This makes it possible to avoid configuring access to the entire home directory, and can be useful for applications that hardcode file paths in ~/.

  • If an application uses $TMPDIR to contain lock files you may want to add a wrapper script that sets it to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/app/$FLATPAK_ID (tmpfs) or /var/tmp (persistent on host).

  • Retaining and sharing configuration with non-Flatpak installations is to be avoided.

Reserved Paths

The following paths and subpaths of them are reserved and asking access to them with --filesystem will have no effect:

/app, /bin, /dev, /etc, /lib, /lib32, /lib64, /proc, /run/flatpak, /run/host, /sbin, /usr

The entire /run is not allowed and all subpaths of /run except /run/flatpak, /run/host is allowed to be exposed via --filesystem.

Additionally the following directories from host need to be explicitly requested with --filesystem and are not available with home, host, host-os, host-etc by default:

  • ~/.var/app - The app can access only its own directory in ~/.var/app/$FLATPAK_ID

  • $XDG_DATA_HOME/flatpak (~/.local/share/flatpak)

  • /boot

  • /efi

  • /root

  • /sys

  • /tmp

  • /var - Note that by default /var/{cache, config, data, tmp} inside the sandbox are the same as ~/.var/app/$FLATPAK_ID/{cache, config, data, cache/tmp}. However an explicit --filesystem=/var will make only /var from host available and those will no longer be available.

  • /var/lib/flatpak - /var does not give access to this.

Device access

You can provide the following device permissions:


Direct Rendering Interface. Necessary for GL.


Kernel based Virtual Machine /dev/kvm


Shared Memory in /dev/shm.


Input devices as exposed in /dev/input. This includes game controllers. Since Flatpak 1.15.6.


Raw USB devices as exposed in /dev/bus/usb. Since Flatpak 1.15.11.


All devices, including all of the above except shm


Using newer permissions like input or usb will have no effect on older Flatpak versions and will fail when used through Flatpak commandline.

While not ideal, --device=all can be used to access devices like webcams, CD/DVD drives etc.

dconf access

As of xdg-desktop-portal 1.1.0 and glib 2.60.5 (in the runtime) you do not need direct DConf access in most cases.

As of now this glib version is included in org.freedesktop.Platform//19.08 and org.gnome.Platform//3.34 and newer.

If an application existed prior to these runtimes you can tell Flatpak (>= 1.3.4) to migrate the DConf settings on the host into the sandbox by adding --metadata=X-DConf=migrate-path=/org/example/foo/ to finish-args. The path must be similar to your app-id or it will not be allowed (case is ignored and _ and - are treated equal).

If you are targeting older runtimes or require direct DConf access for other reasons you can use these permissions:


With those permissions glib will continue using dconf directly.

If you use a newer runtime where dconf is no longer built and still need it you will have to build the dconf GIO module and set --env=GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=/app/lib/gio/modules/.

gvfs access

As of gvfs 1.48, the gvfs daemons and applications use an on-disk socket to communicate, rather than an abstract socket so that the gvfs infrastructure still works when network support is disabled in the application’s sandbox.

A number of different options need to be passed depending on the application’s use of gvfs.

--talk-name=org.gtk.vfs.* is necessary to talk to the gvfs daemons over D-Bus and list mounts using the GIO APIs.

--filesystem=xdg-run/gvfsd is necessary to use the GIO APIs to list and access non-native files using the GIO APIs, using URLs rather than FUSE paths.

--filesystem=xdg-run/gvfs is necessary to give access to the FUSE mounts non-GIO and legacy applications can use. This is what will make native files appear under /run/user/`id -u`/gvfs/.

Typical GNOME and GTK applications should use:


Typical non-GNOME and non-GTK applications should use:


No application should be using --talk-name=org.gtk.vfs in its manifest, as there are no D-Bus services named org.gtk.vfs.

External drive access

External drives are mounted by the host system using systemd, udev, udisk fstab etc. and each of them can have different defaults. Flatpak has no control over how and where they get mounted. The following filesystem permissions should work in most cases:


If --filesystem=host is used /media, /run/media is shared automatically if they exist.

Note that these should not have subpaths in them unless the value of the subpath can be consistently pre-determined. Block device naming depends on the kernel/fstab configuration and cannot be pre-determined.
